Growing up
The Little Boy In Me
I want to tell you of a Man,
who's Boy Parts shine right through,
who never knew what it was,
to have someone quite like you.
To feel your warmth and touch,
to find a need so great,
to learn what love is now.
Before it gets to late.
How can I explain to one,
who can not hear my cry,
how do I make it known to you?
All the reasons why.
I never wanted to touch someone,
like I want with you,
and when I can't it hurts so much,
I don't know what to do !
And it's not that I love you much,
but I need you oh so bad,
and when I can not reach you,
I feel so down right sad.
Yes I'm still the child Man,
who wants to get his way,
and sense your the only one I know,
what else have I got to say ?
Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 815 times
Written on 2011-06-06 at 19:51