
He Said

I have to be either a jerk, or a nobody,
To rule in this way,
Because that's the category I'm put in,
From day to lonely day.

That's why I thought to create children
In a special Time,
But taking, to make one,
Made the other one a crime.

What I caused with just my first thought,
In the very beginning,
Is what has lead to all, these people,
And all, their constant sinning.

So what I am saying,
I wish to make clear,
Blame, or no blame,
Whatever it is, is here.

Now at this point, the choice is not mine,
No matter what you do,
And just because I make Time,
This Time is made for you!

The God of Love is what I am,
Not of what I'm thought,
Only Truth, in many forms,
And Love, is what I got..!


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 811 times
Written on 2011-06-08 at 19:52

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