Think Difference / written 6-9-11


In this physical world we live in,
Matter is subject to many things,
But there are many worlds out there,
That came from all the Unseens.

Our world is subject to gravity,
Contraction and expansion, if we say what's true,
Also time and distance in space,
But none of this is new.

In the Unseen worlds of life,
Neither hot nor cold nor pain,
Seem to mean a lot,
They say we use only 10% of brain.

When you think of all the forms,
One could gravitate into now,
Why would one stay here and levitate,
I could never figure out anyhow.


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 824 times
Written on 2011-06-10 at 03:20

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Donald...enjoyed this write...particularly liked the line about
using only 10% of our brain....I wish some of our
politicians were able to use 10% of their brains...but on the
other hand, as we say at poker tables, we better be careful of what we wish for
