In response to Poem: Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish

A Poem (in response to Ars Poetica)

A Poem

A poem should be,
A piece of your heart,
that yearns for beauty,
for passion, for eternity...

A poem should be a song
sung in longing of your beloved
of your love for life,
for living, for dreaming,
for hoping, for losing,
for finding you feet again
after a near fatal fall-
Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes
after it seems all is lost...

A poem should be a hot desert
where feelings gets scorched.
A poem should be a furnace
in which passion froths.
A poem should be a canopy of trees
under which a tired soul
can find some respite
from his beaten spirits
after a long days night.

A poem should a mountain peak
topped with snow
where the fluffy clouds meet.
A poem should be a fragrant garden
with roses, lilies and jasmine trees
of ideas imagination and dreams.

A poem should be a balm on
bruised and weary heart.
a poem should capture your attention
from the start.

A poem should be safe haven
in a world full of greed
A poem should be a cry
of a heart that bleeds...

a poem should be beauty
in words, so to speak
spilled on the canvas of life
in a moment brief...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh UP, India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
11.06.2011, 12PM ISD
My spontaneous response to this beautiful poem!
Photo: "Under the Canopy" by Roman Johnston

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1469 times
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Written on 2011-06-11 at 09:37

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Zoya Zaidi
Thanks a pile Ed. Team for featuring this poem, writ in a spontaneous flow, inspired by Roman Johnston

what A perfect response. the "being" of this write is exactly on point and my experience of it is refreshing and thank you for that!

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Zoya..

As always, I love reading your poems...and this one's a beauty

to quote, "A poem should be a hot desert:

That's a helluva line for someone like me, living in Las Vegas
to read !!!

xxx Stan

"A poem should not mean / but be". You've taken Archie's words to heart and written from the heart. I like it very much.