Insane Woman

I would've loved to be a quiet enigma, breaking the silence only with wise words, quiet, composed and mystically beautiful

I look like a mess
to you
insane, crazy and rambling, I disclose too much, too little
(maybe of the wrong things in the wrong order and all over the place)
I interpret your words wrong, fretting and not knowing how to answer
falling off my chair at your jokes, being pissed off if I think you go too far

this mess
has no grace, very much weirdness, and lots of rambling silence

But you're still here, listening and reaching out to me, asking me for advice
so somehow

you must have realized, must have seen

that this mess

has an order to it

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 889 times
Written on 2011-06-11 at 13:29

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I think that at times, maybe most times, you already are those opening lines.