Life is a pebble always rolling, never gathering moss...

Life is a pebble...

Life is a pebble...

Life is a pebble that rolls about
All the undulating roads it scouts
Wants to go everywhere, run about
Tosses and turns, cries and shouts
But never keeps still, never sprouts
Just keeps turning in a round-about...

One time its up, one time its down
Up, the green mountains it crowns
Down into the sea of sorrow drowns
Jumps with happiness, a young fawn
Drowns in sorrow, a perpetual frown
Life is a stone that never turns brown...

Sometimes it goes just round and round
A whirlpool of anguish never afore found
A moment of ecstasy, a merry-go-round
A heap of troubles that form a big mound
A series of struggles that knows no bounds
Life is a pebble that keeps turning around...

From place to place it has been tossed
Many a troubled bridges it has crossed
Over the turbulent waters it has grossed
Anguish and sorrow, like one star-crossed
It has been smoothened but never mossed
Life travels a path, never twice crossed...

What it leaves behind is a single thought
That one must go on and never get caught
In the valley that's with troubles fraught
That one in this world is so brought
That he must face, what he has sought
Without a grudge, or a bitter thought...

It can clog a narrow path and cause disaster,
It can travel a long road ever more faster
It can come out a victor, worst crisis master
It can find strength to face a heavy blaster
But, it must go on and on, slower or faster
Life is a pebble, a gem and an alabaster

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
05.02.2011 3-4PM

Image: Sunrise at Kape Kiwanda by Vadim Balkin

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1558 times
Written on 2011-06-16 at 10:19

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P K Padhy
Beautifu poem. I liked the use of word 'pebble' as metaphor. The poem is dynamic in its flow rejuvenating the essence of human psychology.Well coined!

P K Padhy

yeah its nice poem.
Life is like a pebble.
Sometimes on grass and sometimes on road

yeah its nice.
Life is like a pebble.
Sometimes on grass and sometimes on road

Loved the "runaway" style in which this is written, tumbling thoughts abound and it made me think on a rainy uk afternoon.

live is always a sin wave never stop fluctuating till man die. your words are good