My place

a narrow beach

a small lawn

three little houses.

From the hammock, I see the ocean.

Poetry by Onwards
Read 924 times
Written on 2011-06-25 at 11:53

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Christin Brennan
nicely done! this poetic style is not my forte, but this piece is written well. clean, simple & elegant.
less Is more isn't it?!


Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

You often have a very Oriental perspective, a sense of the completeness in the simplicity of a moment and a place, conveyed with a few simple words, never similes or metaphors because it isn't "like" anything, it just is. That's a compliment I can't give very often.

J Carbone
You can just picture a serine place. Great imagery! It was so simple, yet made me think of a very specific place.