Like A Toxic Perfume..

I try to resist the temptation,
But this personal war is taking its toll,
She has pushed me to the limit,
So the temptation of getting out is overbearing..

Her desires are different from mine,
She swallows some alcohol in front of me,
I shake my head,
She pushes hers into me,
Like a raging bull..

So this relationship turns sour,
Like rotting milk in the sink,
The love turns black,
Like it has been burned..

There is no way of getting away,
She lingers like a toxic perfume,
Following me,
Tracking my every move..

So i give in,
To her controlling powers,
And i sit,
Peeling the skin from the burns i sustained..

Poetry by MusicMyLife
Read 335 times
Written on 2011-07-03 at 20:40

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