It is the rainy season in our part of the world, the world bathed in green...


The pitter-patter outside my balcony
With an occasional gush of wind
Brings in the cool showers of the season

The fragrant smell off the soil,
Ere parched with beating sun,
Fills my heart with heavenly feeling,
akin to none.
And a longing it stirs up
it my soul-
the feeling inherent
in every drop of incessant rain
that Heavens pour on us...

The clouds are grey and fluffy white
sometimes so pregnant with rain,
sometimes just overcasting the sky
shading the hot planes...
And when the sun suddenly
bursts out from the heavy clouds,
the colours it pours on the horizon-
kaleidoscopic enchanting hues-
Like the Kingdom of Heaven has
suddenly opened its gates in lieu...

And I feel the longing for you
Most on those days...
When rain pitter-patters on my roof
And I, alone lie in its wake....

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
18.06.2011; 12.30 PM

Phot:'Water, Water Everywhere...' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi, taken in Aligarh

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1483 times
Written on 2011-09-02 at 08:23

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After all this years, Im still amazed how you put words together and make them make a beautiful sense!

Thnx for your words!


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! are always a pleasure to read...

So many people look up at the sky...and what do they see?
They see the sky...

You look up at the sky and see it's beauty

lovely poem

xxx Stan

Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
A poem is like a painting with words
Your words are most beautiful
Thanks for sharing

Erik Brickman
Lovely text this! Pitter patter should be its name. And if I close my eyes I am transported by your text to India, a country I have never visited, but want to, believe me!

Beautiful,how your poem brings out photographic images in my mind,I could hear the rain,the fragrance of mother earth:)I love the line pregnant with rain! love it..I wrote a poem called Smooth Soothing Melody about the rain,,Nothing like the fragrance of spring or fall rain,inhaling God Aroma Therapy,,lovely to read you always,,,
