Burning Feeling!

Your heart is a deadly assassin,
Killing the wisdom and faith,
Killing the prosperity and grace,
My dreams are disconnected from my head,
Now i cant dream..

The sky is grey,
The rain hits the umbrella hard,
Your lovely skin is protected,
From the harshness of winter,
Our love is dissected,
Like a lab experiment,
It hasn't survived..

Born free,
To do as we please,
But there is a burning feeling,
In my head,
I cant think,
My mind is hollow now,
With all this drink,
That i induce,
Please let me think..

Your face is great,
A face of an angel,
But your killing this meeting,
With your heartless speech,
You want my heart on a plate,
With a knife and fork,
You can eat until to your hearts sick,
This has been eventful..

I stress that i cant catch your good nature,
All i get is the sinister side,
A side i despise,
The rise of your revolution,
Sickens me,
To the core of my stomach,
I am losing grip with life,
My energy is subsiding,
Battery power failing,
The world is falling,
On my sore head..

I am a foolish man,
A desperate character from one of those dated books,
Written hundreds of years ago,
But its still relevant,
A little dust ridden,
But that book saved my life..

Born free,
To do as we please,
But there is a burning feeling,
In my head,
I cant think,
My mind is hollow now,
With all this drink,
That i induce,
Please let me think..

My fears hit the snow,
In a winter wasteland,
The ice cools the pain,
But the reject and disdain,
Is still raw and red,
A spot of rain hits the ground,
And her face,
She is wet and my eyes a waterlogged,
I cant see straight,
She disappears,
Into the light,
In spite,
Into that fucking light,
That covers my damaged little head..

Born free,
To do as we please,
But there is a burning feeling,
In my head,
I cant think,
My mind is hollow now,
With all this drink,
That i induce,
Please let me think..

Poetry by MusicMyLife
Read 380 times
Written on 2011-10-26 at 15:09

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