My close friends are going separate ways.
There is always ways to forgive and forget.

Always ways to forget

Please, say a word or two
I had hoped you were sheltering and forgiving
Now that the break is here and we have lost our way
In the dark of night I tremble in my fate, uncertain fate
But I'm leaving out the hate.

As you wish there's nothing left to be said
But still I hope there's always ways to forget
Now the final words are said, like evil was pushing on,
your behavior and temper, as I know. oh, yes, I know,
our mutual friends, I also share.

Please, turn to me and say a word or two
I'm not angry, I know, we're just trying to get through
A better way of living, a place I call my own
a cabin of an empty, hollow mind, flying over,
the meadows, the memories of our past.

Stumble into the future not knowing where to go
Stumble in an empty track leaving the worn-out phrases behind
I know we are mature but I throw it all away
the pieces that were dropped I kneel once more, once more again,
and pick them up one by one.

Please, say a word or two,
I know there's always ways to forgive and forget.
Always ways to forgive.....and forget.

Poetry by Richard
Read 673 times
Written on 2011-12-10 at 03:56

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