Caught in the Penumbra of refracted light of Sun, the Moon turned Red...

The Red Moon

And then the moon turned red!
As an orange hue over
its surface slowly spread.
'Till it metamorphosed into
a ball of crimson red
Caught in the Penumbra
the ominous Sun shed...

With mixed feelings of joy and awe
I watched in a kind of dread.

What was it that made me uneasy?
Troubling my anxious soul:

Was it the helpless state of Moon
Been given a bloody bath?
Or was it the shadowing of
a beauty beyond surpass?
Defiling of a shinning face
Smearing of silvery tone,
Or was it suffering inflicted
on the peaceful Moon?

I cannot say, what it was
But, I remained pensive all night
Strange thoughts visited me
My dreams were full of fright
Now it was a demon of sorts
Dancing on the moon
Now, it was a dragon red
Breathing fire and fume...

Powerless, Moon was trying to dodge
But, its craters and sand dunes
kept getting scorched in the fire
Raging in its womb...

Nightmares of such dreadful tunes
Played rampant in my mind
Till the Sun majestic rose
And the morn was calm and kind...

No wonder such phenomena
Occur once in a lifetime...
But, poor Moon has to suffer
Such vagaries of Time...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

On seeing the Moon turn red, caught in the Penumbra of refracted light of sunset-coloured hues, during the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday Night, the 10th of December 2011.


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Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1546 times
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Written on 2011-12-23 at 18:50

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Nice poem. You write so effortlessly it seems. :-)

Zoya Zaidi
Thanks, Editorial team, for featuring this poem of mine! I am indeed honoured!

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! never cease to amaze me

xxx Stan

P K Padhy
Indeed a metaphorical flow of verse expressing play of majestic nature.

P K Padhy

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Makes me think of the "harvest moons" we sometimes have here, deep orange or almost red, the way the light diffuses the moon seems to be many times its normal size and so close you could just reach out and touch it.

There is something overwhelmingly discomforting about seeing the familiar become unfamiliar. You've captured that feeling well.