inspired by my fears, of how difficult it can b to hold back when it has been a while since a relationship, either u run overenthusiasticly & desperately into your next opportunity & scare them away or you hold back so much that they give up on waiting, i

Back in the game?

At last I was prepared to join the game
I had been out of it so long
I hadn't missed the pain
Life didn't seem so wrong

But now I am so much more aware
Of what I have been without
All the love I want 2 share
No reservations or doubts

& I realise how much I have missed
As it intensity grows
Dreams of being kissed
I wonder if my yearning shows

& I don't want to come over as desperate
Nor either as too intense
So hard not to b 2 affectionate
I don't want u 2 take offence

I can fall in love so easily
Now that it has been so long
U don't know what u could mean to me
How quickly emotions become so strong

I want to take it slowly
I want to take my time
I want u 2 get 2 know me
B4 u call me mine

& this cant b so real
When to b honest I hardly know u
& all these things I feel
Can they be so true...

So if u feel pushed
If it feels like I am hurried
U don't need to feel rushed
No need 2 b worried

I just needed to let u know
& try & explain why
All of these feelings that I show
Or so hard I want to try

Poetry by allinone
Read 815 times
Written on 2005-07-27 at 09:02

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insecurity is the major feeling i get out of this... it is a scary thing to get back involved with someone after being alone for a long time... i identify with these feelings very well... you laid out your thoughts very honestly is what i feel... very good reflections... i enjoyed reading your poem... thanks for sharing :)
