Photograph:  Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss

Celebrate love Friends to the rescue or a good delay excuse (V – challenge)


Upon what instrument are we two spanned? And what musician hold us in his hands? Oh sweetest song. ( Rainer Maria Rilke from "Love Song" as translated by Stephen Mitchell)  

Today is Valentine’s day, if you want to learn more about it or about Similar days celebrating love around the globe :

♥ Celebrate Love

Every time we write, we celebrate love. Love for life, love for someone special, ourself etc. But today we have the chance to write something about love and affection as celebrated between lovers or as observers of those lovers. Anti - valentine's day poems are welcome as well. 
1. Write a poem  that activates all of our senses. Use the poetic form of your choice including free verse. Sensuality is not a learned skill but how in tune you are with your senses.  Just by deriving pleasure from life as whole you can awaken someone else’s senses. The more senses you can awaken in your poem, the better the reading experience will be! Try it:) The writing experience migh feel like self- renewal and/or joyful hedonism:D


2. Write a poem about the sculpture or/and the story of Cupid & Psyche and why not a funny & romantic poem about those two, or one of them or what happen to them.


3. You can write a food poem, perhaps a hors d'oeuvre poem or a Dessert poem and add a hint of courtly or modern love in it or not, your choice.

Not the right example, but something similar: ‎"Mix a pancake, Stir a pancake, Pop it in the pan; Fry the pancake, Toss the pancake, — Catch it if you can" by Christina Rossetti


Title: Like an ice cube
(enter your poetic words,
make it happen for you,
are you aiming for a
shy smile?)

Friends to the rescue

Do you have a friend that keeps getting in trouble because he/she keeps forgetting Valentine's day? Write a romantic poem about everlasting love and give it to the person(of your choice) that needs it most(give them permission to use it and give it to their loved one)

◊  A good delay excuse:

Double Acrostic! (If you like the idea this part of the challenge can end 30/12/12) A way to enhance and challenge our aesthetic and creative sensibility. Why not? For example

P________(ENTER HEREword that ends with> R
I______________THE REST____________O
N_______________OF YOUR___________S

Do you want to make it even more difficult? What about if you could use a rhyme scheme as well?

What about a triple one?




This challenge(s) will not be time limited. But until 16/02  indicate in your posts that your poems are contributions to this challenge by including the following "V - challenge"  in your titles and after the 16/02 include "Current challenge" in your titles. We will as usual, collect them all and post them together (here) after the challenge ends or once a month.

Also, we value your opinion and it will be taken into consideration. What do you think about this challenge? Is it too complicated, too boring, can it be improved and so on, feel free to tell us what you think:)












Words by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1353 times
Written on 2012-02-14 at 04:02

Tags Love  Cupid 

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