∞ Our never ending poem
•Write 1-5 lines, choose yourself the arrangement of rhymes or/and the narattive mode.
•Our contributions should be a logical continuation of the preceding line(s) and/or of the bigger picture
• Enter your contribution as a comment below and tomorrow when Our never ending poem will be republished it will include your contribution as well:)!
•If you have contributed (today) you will have to wait 24 hours or until someone else adds 1 -5 lines to our never ending poem and then you can contribute again.
*Learn more about the various arrangement of rhymes:
*Free rhyme lexicon
*More about the narrative mode http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narrative_mode
From the latest entry to the oldest if you want to read it from the oldest entry to the latest: http://poetbay.com/viewText.php?textId=83330
(we are looking forward to read your contribution:) Join us:)
In front of the Silla del Diablo (Devil's Chair)
waited for Their King - six
anticipation, like a mist, hangs in the air
as they,silently, await their king, like junkies for a fix
. . . that's how the time passed, they walked and talked, each had a fragment of the whole story. They were there now, the 6 of them, in front of the Silla del Diablo (Devil's Chair)
Twice crowing doth thy Rooster at Dawn
Heralding thee beauty of thy morning sun
Tis million of years it have'th been done
Twice crowing doth thy Rooster at Dawn
Arise with a smile for thy new day have begun
Details dissolving into digression, the wavy glasses
Of the bay window framing distortions like lake ice;
In the maze of halls dust drafts and drifts as it passes
From room to room of sheeted furniture, husks of mice.
All seemed old dreams, but now the rooster crows twice.
although around his worn out shoes flies kept buzzing
the trainer of the rooster stopped moving stopped bugging
him No more naked heel fights the rooster was free
and quickly hid together with the fowl Scot - free
until the very next dawn ~
Along the shore the ice was paper thin there were small frozen waves with white little fins one little ripple thought:I might be frozen still but circles never stop to grow winter just gives me time to heal minus degrees break the flow of time for the world to stop and think one long hibernation dream for our cores to eat and drink
[ Poetic form: Rhyme scheme of choice Current contributors in chronological order: C-F Haegring, night soul woman, countryfog, Liz Munro, night soul woman, liz Munro]
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.
Behind a white picket fence grown ups hide,
It keeps more love coming their way away
Behind a white picket fence grown ups hide,
Daughters weave wreaths of lotus blossoms
Casting crusts on the water to entice
To unbind it, it is sufficient to say:
Caught in ripples among the drift ice.
Here, is where our demons demise
Nearby children gathered 'round the lake,
Casting crusts on the water to entice
By the water's edge a solitary drake
Caught in ripples among the drift ice.
Refreshing to see her quiet joy.
Nearby, children gathered round the lake.
She descried the wooden duck decoy
By the water’s edge a solitary drake.
Quaint the loud woman's silent sobs,
Refreshing to see her quiet joy.
Oh my dear ones don't you know?
She descried the wooden duck decoy.
[ Poetic form: Pantoum. Contributors in chronological order: Liz Munro night soul woman, jim, countryfog, night soul woman, cr4ky, night soul woman, jim]
Poetry by Editorial Team

Read 940 times
Written on 2012-02-18 at 20:49