Children are happy because they don’t have a file in their minds called “All the things that could go wrong” Marianne Williamson

- Let's see which one will survive? Our never ending poem (± instructions)


Our never ending poem (without instructions)*revised*


What is artistically defensible? You know 


Intro: Let the music of language and the song of silence inspire you, help you express yourself. Right after you read the lines written before you came along and like our neverending poem with instructions:

• Enter your contribution as a comment below and tomorrow when Our never ending poem will be republished it will include your contribution as well:)! 

While the wind dancingly touched the
last autumn leaf the trembling leaf whispered: 
Each leaf that falls 

Current contributors in chronological order:  night soul woman and you too?








Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 941 times
Written on 2012-02-25 at 01:31

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
But then a shadowed figure entered into view,
And quickly grew, his music piercing, sung
By a machine; my cousin, Bill. He stopped,
And, overtaken by the dust which followed him,

He coughed at first, then laughed at me.
"The leaves are gone. Oh boo hoo-hoo.
You know, you sap, they'll come again.
In that sense, they're like me."

And lifts and falls again leaves me more alone,
Hanging on to my faith, the Advent of winter,
Each leaf a solemn falling note of a requiem;

And two doves have come to my open door
And Bach's Mass in B Minor, each of us somber
Penitents praying the hushed Domine Deus.