Song of the anguished soul

Be With Me My Heart

When in sorrow and despair,
When alone and full of care,
When Fate doesn't play it fare,
Have a heart, my heart,
Don't leave me my heart,
Be with me my heart!

When in anguish, when in pain,
When all joy looks askance,
When hope goes down the drain,
Have a heart, my heart,
Don't leave me my heart,
Be with me my heart!

On a cloudy day, on a starless night,
When Moon don't shine so bright,
When courage takes a flight,
Have a heart, my heart
Don't leave me my heart
Be with me my heart!

Dark night is on the prowl,
Drunk with blood of human foul,
Too loud the hoots of owl,
Have a heart, my heart
Don't leave me my heart
Be with me my heart!

When hot the desert sand,
In far and distant land,
Even mirages don't stand
Away from home and hearth,
Not a shadow near at hand,
Have a heart, my heart,
Don't leave me my heart,
Be with me my heart!

When the world without,
puts me down and out,
When doom has done me in,
You remain within
my soul like a kin,
Don't leave me my heart
Have a heart, my heart,
Stay with me my heart!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Calligraphy by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2538 times
Written on 2006-04-02 at 19:45

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Amanda K
emotional and heartfelt. true love live is shown through thick and thin, hard and easy, smooth and rough. a lovely invitaion of be with me my heart

I found this poem today...I'll keep coming back to read this one - its soothing and calming to my perturbed little heart.
Thank you so much.

Beautifully written my friend!

Zoya Zaidi
Point taken Daybreaker,
Shall I make it just:
"Be with me my heart"?
What do you have to say?
Hey, folks what is your opinion?
Love, xxx, Zoya

Beautiful as always Zoya!

The only thing I have a remark on is the lines:

Have a heart, my heart,
Don't leave me my heart,
Be with me my heart!

to much repetition for me!

Otherwise the rhymes are great! =)

Drunk with blood of human foul
..that sentence made my mouth fall open.
Beatiful ryhmes, and flow.
Left me floating, -mouth still open.

Beautiful and inspiring. And if you ever need an extra heart I can loan you mine. Its not very useful to me anyways.

Hi ! Malin said it so well , and I fully agree . Touching and thought provoking ... Well done Z ! ... Good read .... G

As allways you write beautiful

*Bella Laluna(

Malin Johansson
I liked the flow in this poem...
Wounderfull written from your heart...

This is brilliant! Love is sometimes like the mirage you refer to.. blurred and distant, and hidden at times. Thank you for sharing this piece.

Love rules!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
love this one zoya anf it speaks of a deep love itself well done rgds mike