A voice cries for a helping hand...Loneliness can put things in perspective.
Loneliness can drive you insane.
Loneliness can pit you against the entire synergism of your pea sized brain.
That no on ever gives...
Loneliness can be as intimate,
As no companion can ever be.
Loneliness can be an obvious blank,
A void that you can never see.
A passage to a locked up house...
Loneliness can etch into the soul,
A deep gash that can never heal.
A beautiful sorrow, that's tangible,
With a tasteable, smellable feel.
Where no one ever lives...
Loneliness is that possibility,
you will always have to face,
Loneliness is three dimensional,
a reality with an edge on space.
A heart beats in a vacuum...
Loneliness can pause the time,
and make it all the more lethargic.
It crawls along while in its web,
ensnared you hear the seconds tick.
Can you hear the strain?
Loneliness is like a sleeping pill,
an overdose can make you sick.
It's a killer drug that you can induce,
a psychedelic hallucinative kick.
A sigh dies in the stillness...
Loneliness is a paradox –
It could be your messiah,
Your magic maker.
Or it could function in the capacity
of a relationship speed breaker.
Can you feel the pain?
Poetry by Umang
Read 1018 times
Written on 2006-04-06 at 19:14
Tags Lonely 
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