In response to Lizzy's beautiful challenge lines...

'Potato Eaters'

Stuck in a paused second of a still life-
Engraved in my psyche for a whole life-
Are the 'Potato Eaters' of 'Van Gogh'!
Dark and somber, in dull muted colours,
Callused hands and chapped-up skins,
Worn-torn clothes and wrinkled faces,
Gross large hands, faces wrought with ages
of worry, winters of weary poverty,
Eyes telling a different story, each one
his own tale to parry, surviving on the
brink barely, making the two ends meet
scarcely, under a dark single lamp, sharing
baked potatoes hungrily, eagerly, wretchedly!
All this in a paused second of still life!
So much packed in one life, on the paper
Comes alive! Has disturbed me all my life!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1070 times
Written on 2006-04-07 at 06:06

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Very interesting, ahhhh Van Gogh!! Nice!

Veld Cooper
One of your best, dear Zoya, and very different!

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I love the direction you have taken with this.



zoya..zoya..zoya..this is ever!..lots of hugs..mike

Only you my sweet Zoya can transport me to the most beautiful mind art museum and make me feel as if I am seeing it for the first time....magnificant my dear as always!


Miss Zoya, I have to tell you that your poems are always, ALWAYS a pleasure to read, particularly out loud. The way the words twist and wind themselves into a beautiful's enchanting, honestly.

I can't wait until you publish your work and I can say I "knew you" before you were famous!

Ok I REALLY enjoyed this one Zoya... It's so vivid I felt as though I was there. Even now the images still linger. Fantastic.

Alaina K. Johnson
Again, very interesting and unique. Anyway, I also really like this one and all the rest, but I've not got enough time to comment on all of them. Very descriptive and beautiful.

You make the blind see !

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya, your descriptive writing again brought to life the imagery of your subject matter. I must admit, when I first read this piece, I was not familiar with the painting. After reading this, I was so moved, I had to find a picture of the painting on the Internet. I was astounded by the accurate portrayal of this work of art in your poem. I had the "picture" of the picture before I ever saw it for myself! It is so good to read such talented work.

Something different from your lovely pen my dear Z .... but it's STILL all good . Won't elaborate , but think that THIS is rather good . Hope all is well .... G

Jon Hanover
Beautiful. Myself I am still haunted by Salvador DalĂ­'s " Burning Giraffes " as my parents had a print of it when I was a child. My dog is named after DalĂ­ as well. Good write my dear.