Some Kind of Goodbye

How can she be gone when I still feel her embrace
The warmth of her touch, I see the looks on her face
These comforts time will soon take
and leave the thoughts that keep me awake
Cause I can never forget how I failed so completely
or how she suffered so deeply
I could have gone to see her but I missed my last chance
I should have been there, I knew well in advance
She was there for me, anytime i needed her
She was delighted even when I barely greeted her
I feel a strange sadness tearing apart my core
A sadness i've never know before
Something inside me has yet to ensue
I feel like I can call her and still get thru
Like she'll always be there waiting on my cue
But I can't, she won't be there for me whenever
Grandma's gone forever

Poetry by Leila
Read 654 times
Written on 2013-03-10 at 23:50

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This is so touching and tender, the love and regret and sorrow come through. You've done a masterful job of conveying these complicated feelings.

Best wishes,