A Tanka about a most beautiful animal. -5th April 2013

Red Kite.

The knife winged Red Kite
Riding thermals soaring steep;
Hunting on days end.
Valleys and wetland edges
Now graced by its piping cry.

Poetry by John Ashleigh
Read 929 times
Written on 2013-04-05 at 01:39

Tags Nature 

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nicely done, John.

An excellently crafted Tanka, John, this beautiful animal inspiring a majestic description. Very much enjoyed – applause!

Beautifully descriptive, especially the opening line. To watch these birds is an awesome sight.

Commentally Ill
ah, the red kite doth
plummet headlong into wind
stretch upon her string
trace the toddler's windblown face
with all it means to be free

not half as good as yours, but you inspired me to try to write about the red kite as well. because you are right, it is a most beautiful animal.
