*Goodnight Dear Ghost

Ghost Violet

Purple flowers as day fades away
Rolling back across the fields are past
Dreams awaken to dance in lily bloom
Night is whispering something in your room,

Time holds seance by the clock your Grandfather made
Tolling for the years that cry
Bursting dams beneath the sky
March like numbers painted as though for a parade

A voice speaks from where the shadows sway
(Purples growing on the window last)
'My love is but a ghost,' hear it say
Figures form inside your thoughts have cast,

Away the hours the tides what was once wrought
The world that is only an after thought,
A ghost so dear to hold forever close
Haunting your dreams in purple violet rose,

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 605 times
Written on 2013-05-22 at 04:06

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Gorgeous, amazing, beautiful.