So I guess you've all been there one time or the its my turn.

Million Dollar Questions

Theres this feeling you have,
When you're running full steam ahead like a superfast train,
Knowing exactly where you're going and why.
Things seem to be happening just the way you wanted them to
...or the way you thought you wanted them to.
Then a little thought crops up in your ridiculously miniscule brain
...and your train suddenly jumps track.
You stop....
You realise that you've suddenly reached a place you don't recognize,
your brain dosen't work,
neither does anything else.
You try to find your way out of there...but thers only one way.. ahead.
And thats not necessarily where you want to go.
So you stand where you are,
resisting not just resisting it, but refusing to accept it.
You can't change the way things are, and you can't stand for them being the way they are.
Maybe you could try, but that would mean starting over ,
and youre not sure if you have the strength to do it all over again.
Convulsive thoughts paralyze your brain.
Questions haunt you,
What's your purpose in life, what were you meant to do, what do you want to do,
where would you rather go, which way is it out of here....
And to think only time has the answer to these is not a good enough reason to sit back and let them go.
You want the answers now....
and it tears you apart that neither you, nor anyone or anything can solve this puzzle,
And it feels like your life depends on a part of it thats missing.
The missing piece that can bring sense to this whole picture
...complete the mirage....fill the colour in your dreams....
But for the moment the only thing thats keeping you sane is the cold of the night
...the moon high up in the sky....
And you wish you could look up, crouch down on your hind legs
and howl.....

Poetry by Umang
Read 718 times
Written on 2006-04-10 at 22:04

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A painful place to be umang....i think we all can identify with these feelings.....our own stubborn refusal to believe life will go on and be better for me will...keep faith...there is light at the end of that dark road....

I love the style of this write....pouring your soul out is a good thing sweet!


Zoya Zaidi
Umang this one big Wow!
Kind of a journey through
A raging mind, where
Thoughts upon thoughts
Come chasing one another,
And won't stop, where your
Mind works reasonably but,
Answers you can't find!

Love, xxx, Zoya