
Watching a mind go crazy
I see that what we call them sorting things wrong or spinning too fast and out of control
might be a sort of detachment from the reality we think we see
- without the vehicle to understand what reality is beyond that

Reaching out and touching a sleek and soft fabric or the rain falling on my face
knowing nothing is really touching, that everything that seems solid is mostly just what we see as space

How can I not say that in some way everything is a mirage yet real?
How can I not agree with the notion that to exist
is to act and affect

How can I not wonder how much greater reality is than what we can measure
in numbers and theories and empirical tools
- all created from our own minds and understanding

How can I say that we really know how to know and understand
and our own minds?

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 616 times
Written on 2013-08-30 at 08:05

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Good questions to ask, good thoughts, really well expressed SW.