Love and marriage

They told me to love the person I marry.
Yet, how can I love someone I don't know,
when my heart is already filled with someone else.
You don't marry the person you love,
they told me.
How strange the irony,
how stupid the logic.
How will a poet marry,
if not for love..

Why is it that some people are stuck in dark ages
and refuse to acknowledge free will.
I have no wish to be controlled or to control.
I only wish to live my life my way,
going where my heart leads me.

Poetry by myst_ery
Read 802 times
Written on 2013-11-12 at 06:17

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yes one must always follow the heart.
It is the true path and I would never ever listen to what "they" say:)

yes how can i love some one i don`t know in this case it`s faked love and mybe there is another thing or just a game...thank you for writing this