He was invited to the wine and sip after five affair
I would have loved it if he accepted this invitation's flair
To experience such romance in our easy, smooth tango
After the music lovely danced on still, moving real slow

Your heart in hand two hearts on my sleeve, sexy kissed
Insecurity prevented barley and hops from being brave
We took notice to green slit eyes, blue blades not so sharp
As the orchestra played, I Left My Heart In San Francisco

Dill knives sour to the palate
Contempt tossed as if a Greek salad
Oil and vinegar the clear side of gin
Dull knives his bitter-sweet servitude

Dull knives
A sit down dinner
Dull knives
Burger and fries to go
Dull knives
Two shots and a beer
Reasoning fights emotion
Dull knives

He was asked to come visit for an exchange of words
Bland as weak dollar bill tea his soliloquy ranted unheard
To watch your submissive culture embrace my provision
Heartache bites the grace, jealousy sang his final decision

Your tender olive lips sweeter than Strawberry Fields Forever
Silk and satin states your're a lady yet kinky in black leather
We took notice to green slit eyes, blue blades not so sharp
As the orchestra played, I Left My Heart In San Francisco

Dull knives
As null connives
Dull knives
Opinions trite
Dull kinves
Slick playing games
Dull knives
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Dull knives

Copyright, Nathaniel London Jr. 2014
All rights reserved by author 2014

Poetry by France England
Read 924 times
Written on 2014-05-24 at 17:46

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Kathy Lockhart
you have such a talent for relating scenes and senses. I was captured by the title and I became a willing captive as I read each line. The entanglement of dull knives with the finery of the event was like a spider in the canopies. All looks pristine yet nothing ever is behind the curtain. And the songs play on and the dance swirls in rhythm.