Hummmmmmm. One of the reasons why nasty can be so nice. Sexy is watching your woman drive a stick shift in a not so short dress!


Straight out of the Port of Spain
Riding wild on the Pony Express
Green on both sides trimmed in gold
Hot off the press

Had her own Bi-level, two sport cars
Played hard to get so she rode rough
To Sir With Lust she signed her name
Hot off the press

Did ninety five in a forty, dodging cops
Drove a "H"-"L" stick shift like she stole it
Heavy metal boots, stainless steel socks
Pulled over knowing she had them beat

Hot off the press
She slew all regrets
Rank and serial number
Ringer staged newcomer

Hot off the press
Hot off the press
Hot off the press
Hot off the press

Hundred grand burgundy Hummer
She played bass, I the drummer
In a pretty red see-through dress
Hot off the press

To the left in the Caribbean Sea
By tele we chatted until both agreed
Green on both sides trimmed in gold
Hot off the press

The girl could cook and bake as well
Served this guessing game, came plain
Made a sign of the "X" forgot her name
Hot off the press

Screamed Bloody Mary, celery to stalk
Party lover, the girl could hardly recall
Heavy metal boots, stainless steel socks
Like hell's bewildered bats in third gear

Hot off the press
Hot off the press
Hot off the press
Hot off the press

Copyright, Nathaniel London Jr. 2014
All rights reserved by author 2014

Poetry by France England
Read 1019 times
Written on 2014-06-27 at 00:16

Tags Sex 

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