Communal Riots have broken up in Aligarh again, and as curfew is clamped in most parts of the town, I wonder...

Mass Crime

When a single man
commits a crime,
He has to pay the price:
His life,
–An eye for an eye-
by capital punishment,
Facing gallows, or the guillotine.
Or, he is imprisoned for life,
So that he can no longer be
dangerous to other living men,
and cannot take yet another life.

But, when a mass of in-humanity
Commits a mass crime
Of loot, arson, murder and rape,
A mass of thousands
chases a single man
and lynches him,
And does not care a dime about
Mercilessly trampling
Women, children, old people alike ...
the most vulnerable sections of society.
When Ethnic Cleansing takes place,
In the name of religion, cast, or race,
When mighty wars are fought,
Killing thousands of innocents,
Then it is not a crime.

No one is convicted,
Not one person is tried,
No one faces punishment.
When a faceless mass of in-humanity
Has committed a crime,
Then it is not a crime!

I wonder....
What happens
to those people?
What happens to them, deep inside?
Do their conscience prick them,
Do they spend sleepless nights?
Do the apparitions of those they killed
Visit them in their minds,
Do they ever hallucinate?
Do those terrible visions
trouble them in their sleep,
Does the smell of human blood,
haunt them in the night,
Does the stench of burning flesh,
Clogs their noses and their minds?

I often wonder....
Do they become emboldened
To such an extent,
That they continue to commit
their crimes in some other forms;
Brazened, without fright; gloating
with triumph, and the sadistic pleasure
they derive from each and every act?

Do they justify their actions
As they become hardened with time,
And start believing
That wrong is right,
When they give a new meaning to
Words, such as
And Crime,
And go on playing the dangerous Game
of proving that wrong is right
The Sophists of our times?

I often wonder....
Does their end ever come?
Do they ever get punished?
Do they ever reap
The harvest of the seeds
of murder, crime and greed
they've sown?

I often wonder...
Is Mass Crime not a Crime?

I often wonder....
Do they ever kneel
in front of God
in a shrine?

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1843 times
Written on 2006-04-22 at 21:08

Tags Riots 

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ellipses, three dots only!
aye, we are so strict with rules at times for the individual but we live in a dream world. we are still in the throes of adolescence, struggling to get clear from our violent animal instincts, despite the illusions of civilisation surrounding us. we are after all part of the animal kingdom, i think most people tend to forget that fact. i think some will become hardened with time, and others will fold under their conscience, different strokes for all.

You write:
"Do they ever reap
The harvest of the seeds
of murder, crime and greed
they've sown?"

Yes, I think they will indeed!!!
If not by their own conscience already in this life - they will the day they die!!
Those who were clinically dead and came back tells us their experience again and again:
That you go trough EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE, not only from the standpoint of how it were in physical life, but from inside every creature that you met, that you affected in some way... INSIDE FROM THEIR VIEWPOINT!!!
So, everything we give out really comes back to us... If we do not learn sooner, we learn and understand at that "day of examination".
And they tell that you are your own judge... and a very hard judge indeed...
I think this very possibly can be true. So many people all over the world tell the same story, no matter what religion, atheist or not...

So we have everything to gain with doing GOOD in the world, no matter what...

Thank you for sharing this very well-written text, with so many extraordinary important questions.

John Ashleigh
FUCKING HELL zoya this is so beautiful I love this poem. This relates to so much.

I've been told that I have an eye for wisdom, and you've folded my wit in half, and literally showed us all another light, another perspective of todays society.

Brilliant! 555!

Kathy Lockhart
Oh Zoya, Again you have turned the light on for me. I see what has gone unseen by me. I cannot answer the questions but I think that all your conclusions are possible. However, at this time, because of some injustices my family has experienced here in the USA, I believe that those who use their power for destruction will only become hardened and more greedy for "blood" whether it is literal or figuratively. The lust for power is great and it can be evil.
Your words though are POWER! Not man trying to be powerful but TRUTH EXPOSED.

WELL DONE! Bookmarked.

Really deep and important words here!

I think they suffer inside - they must do, but at the same time the defence mechanisms that are at work are strong and devilish.

injustices are born to never die. unfortunately!

It is always about power,and humans putting value on other humans. Always forcing their opinion on other people, who also has an opinion but less power. No justice.
No consolation. Only questionmarks.
Be safe, my brave one.
Your words are so important.
All my thoughts and love ¤Lourdes

Zoya Zaidi
Sorry folks, have been away a while, but with the Riots on all I could think and write about is this! Though I, and my family are safe...

Veld Cooper
Oh, Zoya, you took the words out of my mouth! What I see before me on television is a stain of blood from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea and God's name I pray for healing to the weeping sores inflicted in the name of caste and religion. Enough, PLEASE, enough!

I truly believe these people have no conscience,but they will receive their punishment in this life or the next, another brillient and interesting write.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there zoy so sorry for this sad news of the madness in your regions i hope it is under control and your poem isso brave well done rgds mike