Tans-creation of famous Urdu Poet, Faiz Ahmad Faiz's poem: "Paas Raho..."

Be With Me...

Be with me...

You stay with me...
My slayer, my beloved, stay with me...

When the night is on the prowl,
Drunk with the crimson blood of the skies,
With the balm of musk, diamond headed spear in hand,
Laughing, mocking, wailing singing her mournful song,
Jingling the shackles of purple grief...

Be with me, stay close to me...

When hearts drowned in bosoms,
Seek hands hidden in sleeves,
Hopefully, expectantly...

Be with me...

And when, like sobbing of children,
Bottled wine gurgles forth,
A sea of craving cannot be soothed,
When nothing seems to move,
When nothing seems to work...

When the night is on the prowl,
When the black, desolate, mournful night
Is on the prowl...

Stay with me...
My slayer, my beloved,
Be with me...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Tans-creation of Faiz Ahmad Faiz's poem: "Paas Raho..."
Photo: title page of book "Celebrating Fiaz that I designed.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1542 times
Written on 2014-08-15 at 14:50

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Zoya Zaidi
Dear Sagi, I can see you know Urdu and Faiz.
I have translated quite a few poems of Faiz.
He also happens to be one of my favourite poets in Urdu!
I am happy you like this trans-creation of mine!
In fact it was featured at another poetry website: UKAuthors.com
Thanks again!

Zoya Zaidi
Well Clare, In Urdu it is very common to call your beloved, your slayer... Even Geoffrey Chaucer has used the same thought:
"Thine two bright eyes shall slay me my Love..."
And yes, a beloved can give as much pain as joy; Love can give, and does give, as much pain as it does joy...
Thanks for catching the nuances so well Clare!

what a wonderful creation of Faiz Ahmed Faiz paas raho.., however the effect(chaashni) in Urdu is just wonderful, really a good surprise to see this poem translated in this forum!

Oops, make that mire

Slayer-an appropriate name for a lover. Those who bring us to our knees, drag is through the more all for love.

Really good work:)