how to say i miss you?

You Will Know When it is Gone, I

it is autumn, this month of death
that brings me back to where
golds and ambers and scarlets
ribbon the skies
and my heart is laid flat--
i pray 
"beat on."

Color finds me strange:
Morning blues and oranges
Break white's monopoly;
Bed sheets, walls, thighs.
There is something with me,
In the room, the air:
Vacancy so large it sags
And is heavier than fullness
Could ever be.
I am like an amnesiac:
I touch books, papers, jackets
And wonder
What could they be,
Are they mine, did I love them, and the like.
What am I to do with these colors,
This space,
This life?

Poetry by halfjack
Read 1306 times
Written on 2014-11-30 at 07:33

Tags Love  Loss  Grief 

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