Rinkeby, generally known as the most dangerous ghetto in Sweden.


in the dingy winter nights
cars burn in the streets
petrol tanks explode
ninja stars of broken glass
spinning in the smoke

rocks and cobblestones
missiles of the poor
hail down on police cars
destroy ambulances
maim fire fighters

families huddle together and weep
imprisoned their homes
a school burns to the ground
leaving a ghostly silhouette
in honour of frustration and fear

we that love this place
and all the colours of diversity
stay constantly alert
we listen to the street war
and wait with baited breath

after months of darkness
the sun returned this morning
not yet giving warmth
but sending shards of light
even into my broken ghetto

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 812 times
Written on 2015-02-15 at 11:27

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
this is as chilling as it gets. this sounds like a war zone. yet, i understand, completely, that it is home, and harsh as it is, home is home, and there is beauty to be found.

subject matter aside, this is excellent writing.

This is beautifully describes with vivid images of the ghetto and however bad, home is still home. I had no idea there were ghettos like this in Sweden. You could be describing ghetto life almost anywhere in the world. Excellent poem.