”I'm only human and it's driving me mad.” - Billie Holiday


born with a voice
that would change the world
and eyes that made you feel alone
the very first look I understood
I'd entered another kind of zone

a woman you would cheat for
a woman you would lie for
a woman you would kill for
a woman you would die for

like so many before and after
she chose the wrong drugs
and the wrong men

snuffed out before her time

the dealers and the pimps
the violent, stupid abusers
they are long forgotten

Billie, you make me cry
and make me glad to be alive
you put sunshine in my eyes

you will live forever

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 995 times
Written on 2015-02-21 at 13:27

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Karl Johan Lindrup Olesen
Beautiful tribute to a great singer. Nice poem.

What a beautiful tribute! Wow ... if only she had realized how great she was.

sa Andersson
I agree. I wonder if she could ever imagine how many lives she would touch...

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
we agree on this, though i couldn't have put it so well