for Mrs. Eliot, for many, many cups of tea

Call and Response



Black Mood


by Rosalia de Castro

translated by John Frederick Nims



     When I think you're somewhere yonder,

dark penumbra, so benumbing

—back again! and by my bedside

hunched to mock with: "Trouble coming!"


     Half imagining you vanish

—in the sun, that shadow massing!

You're a glumness in the starlight,

glumness where the winds are passing.


     When there's singing, you're the singer;

when there's sorrowing, the sorrow.

You're the brooks that murmur darkly;

gloom this evening, gloom tomorrow.


     You're in all. Are all. Marooning

me in me myself. Moroser

moods that never long unloosen—

dark penumbra close and closer.












Last Light, First Light


by pony



I watched the earth rise to quench the sun,

Then ran home, alone, up the hills,

A little tired, without much bounce in my step.

Then something odd happened, the street

Grew illuminated, the buildings too, as if

The street lights had come on especially bright.

I turned around, for the light seemed to be 

Coming from behind me, and it was, the sun

Was rising again, from the west, from the Pacific.

I know why. There is unfinished business,

Something has been left unsaid, and undone.

It will take a while to put it all together, I sense

This is a chance to get it right, perhaps a last chance.

It may take quite a while, but there is light to work by.


Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 900 times
Written on 2015-03-08 at 05:41

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Jeffrey Z Rothstein
Great use of concrete images to evoke the gist of a complex constellation of feelings and motivations...although I'm not sure that 'dreamlike,' as a strategy for invoking a deceptively clockwork reality equals bi-polar; but that's just an inside joke between us. Great work!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice job! This is a really well-crafted poem.