I loved you with everything I had and you taught me love is not enough. sharing this is my way of saying letting you go was not easy.


I love you more than poetry can say because no words can fully explain it my way so I think the world should coin another word or better still I should:
Perhaps my love for you tastes like ice cream my favorite blueberry and strawberry then it's beyond that taste. If my love is to be tattooed on my skin I do not think the pain would express how I feel for you.
Can my thoughts for you be captured in a jar, because you always in my mind. Your voice too then I would open it when I miss you so much and there would be the heaven in your hello.
Probably if I was to walk a mile every day to show you how much I love you then I would go with you since I would not stop walking and I would be in the middle of nowhere happy that I have you. Can I tell all the passing strangers how much I love you?
If songs were to be written about my love writers would not have to worry about creativity as it's so creative, musical and artistic. My love was to be acted Hollywood would spend less since there would be no script because I breathe it.
Could my love be a recipe what type of food is it , does it exist, is salt the uniqueness of our love. If my love was a book how many pages would it be could I be the writer then I would write forever.
Could my love be a fairy tale story, are you the knight and shining Armour rescue me from this madness of loving beyond the reason why, would it have adventure, silence, laughter, pain and breathe taking moments? How would the story end or would it never end: for fear that it was today have we had our last conversation, have I heard your final laugh, have I learnt something new about you, have I looked to your eyes one last time and see so much hope and passion.
Could my love for you be a profession what would it be? If my love was a flower would it be a lily, a rose or am I the flower. Love will make you do right and make you do wrong, after all this time lost in the dark I finally see.
Probably my love is a color to be painted is it purple, pink, pale purple my favorite or yours brown, blue and black. If our love was a mirror would we see our hearts beat together as one.
When am angry and hurting the tears are so hot they almost cut my cheeks into half as they flow down. Possibly if my tears for you were to be counted then we would have achieved knowing how many drops of water are in the ocean. With my heart struggling to let go of the pain, as the sunset you whisper am sorry and the magic starts the sunrise in that very moment I am perfect.
Could my love for you be a sermon where the humility of Ruth meets Boaz, the pureness of Joseph, meets the wise Deborah , the unconditional love of Hosea to Gomer, as strong as Samson's love to Delilah, where the beauty, courage and character of Esther, meets the wisdom of Solomon, where the prayerful Hannah meets the leadership of Moses.
Would I fill the emptiness in your heart, I can never fill all of it, my body does not look perfect but its strong, am not dressed with gold and fine linen but strength and respect are my clothing, my hands are not so soft but they can serve, lips not perfumed but they speak the truth, eyes not so white but they can see, my heart is not so strong but it can trust and forgive, my days are numbered but am will to share them I can offer you little but offer all I have.
The meaning of love is Christ that love held him on the cross am hopeful that you will love like Christ loves the church that you can lay down your life for me then I will not need to define love anymore because I will be it.
Love always

Poetry by Wamaitha
Read 623 times
Written on 2015-03-25 at 07:15

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