This just came up spontaneously while chatting with Jody on the net; the first and third stanzas are by me the second and fourth are by Jody.


Two Souls watching the same Sunset while sitting worlds apart,
Two heart beating in unison like a single heart.
I have experienced that feeling of oneness with many of you before,
Come; sit with me, and my friend Jody over a cup of tea
and once more watch the Sun setting in its full glory...


Enjoying the Sunset with spiced Chai:
I look at the orange orb of the Sun
setting in the sky.
A kaleidoscope of changing hues
Conjure up images carnivalisque,
high up in the sky.
The orange plays hide and seek with
The yellow gold, and my heart takes
a leap, ever so high.
The cumulous clouds spread their
fluffy wings, float hither and thither
in sheer joy.
Birds chirrup a sweet melody,
Snuggle close into their nests,
Time is well nigh.
The golden-orange turns to crimson,
as the eye of the heaven closes,
night whispers close by.
Now the crimson turns to purple,
A calm descends on my soul, as
Time slowly goes by...

Sunset calm clear sky and needle point stars
Pinks and magentas reflected in quiet water
While winged creatures sing to the oncoming night.
Warm cup in hand
Spices fill my nose and mouth
While first moths
Flutter by lit candle
And first bats
Leave the sanctuary of leafy trees.
Quiet suburban evening
Neighbors missing the beauty
of the dusk
While sitting in front of glowing blue screens.
The night is mine
And mine alone.

As the moon begins to rise
And stars fill up the sky
The ink of the night slowly spreads
And begins to colour
the heavens neptune-blue;
The trees silhouette against the purple
Hues of the firmament.
Sounds of the night can be heard
Crickets and grasshoppers begin to sing
And my heart dances with this spectacle of the spring.

Oceans apart, two souls watch
The same, yet different moon
The same glowing palette of colour,
while hearts fill and minds meet
where souls and landscape
prepare to sleep.

Authors: Zoya Zaidi and Jody Kuchar
Aligarh (India) and (USA)
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi and Jody Kuchar
photo: 'Carnavalisque revelry in the Sky' by Zoya Zaidi

Invitation: Come my friends let us sit and watch the Sunset together today in different parts of the world and experience the same feeling of oneness with each other...and may be write a poem each; an ode to the setting Sun and friendship...

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1139 times
Written on 2006-04-30 at 04:41

Tags Friendship 

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another wonderful write from a wonderful poetess and a wonderful person,,may they long continue,hugs you me

The sunset is one of the most vivid archetypical image of tranquillity and harmony in the whole world. I believe everyone has experienced - or should experience - the feelings and sentiments that you so beautifully have captured in this poem!

Malin Johansson
I got really beautiful pictures in my mind of this poem... I can say I enjoy this "sunset" and your poem very much...

Ah! Chai yummy.
Very vivid! I can picture I'm there (my sun already went down lol)
Cheers to peace among poets

wish we all could see as one
as we all see the sunset
and get a peace of mind as we all see
beautuful way to write

A beautiful co-write that caresses all the senses...
Thank you for the creative invitation, I'll try to come up with something on the sunset theme!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
you are honoured indeed to cowrite with jody she is an awesome poet and your skill is equal to hers well done rgds mike

Kathy Lockhart
Such a beautiful piece written by two talented souls. How nice for you both to be able to share in the creation of this lovely poem. : ) kathy