john hoyland

behind rite-aid (pico and 24th)




among the weeds and boxes

lies a homeless man


maybe dead

maybe not




by the entrance 

sits a young woman with a young child 


quietly asking for a dollar

quietly they are asked to leave























Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 991 times
Written on 2015-09-03 at 06:09

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Ivan R
Great write, it comes out as a thought about other people, but I think it is also a way to say what is so personal to you. Great piece*

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This sounds about right. We don't care about the ones we don't see, and we want the ones we do see to be hustled out of sight quickly. No one should have to look at people in desperate need when he or she is shopping.

Arunesh dixit
This is very subtle and the images are coming out clearly. A nice poem.