sea shell rising, 2015





the big waves come in

and like magic

they come 


in their vans

on their bikes, walking

boards on their heads

changing into their wetsuits in the parking lot

exchanging the latest

on currents and lefts and rights


crossing the hot sand

paddling out


closer to shore the body surfers

and boggie-boarders

and kids with pails

and plovers

and me


stake out our territory




higher up on the beach

at the cafe with chairs and umbrellas


i see you




i hope i don't catch your eye

but i am looking

i'd hate for you to think i care too much


but i do




i come from the waves spitting salt

shaking my hair dry

feeling the chill

which lasts

no time at all


stretching out on my towel

trying not to look back


but i do




i know what i want

but i don't know how to get it


i've been so wrong

so many times




i get out my sketch book and micron 05 pen

wishing i was one of the happy people

at least for a bloody hour or tw0


christ on a cupcake, give me that!









Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 804 times
Written on 2015-09-22 at 17:59

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Ivan R
I have a friend who does Kite-surf, I understand the world of men going on to the beach with so much bravado, and to see them and to want them to see you, I know, I understand, this poem is very human, and very true, and very sane and good*

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Good luck. This put me on the beach next to the freezing Pacific. Thanks.