




road weary

too many miles today

finding ourselves at skeeter barne's

country bar & grill

heavy on the country

but there's absolut

and tenderloin sandwiches

the size of mississippi

and darius ruker coming

from a speaker above my head




in a corner booth

where my eyes fall naturally

an unlikely couple

disparate of age

but not of temperament

the intensity of their love

startles even me 

who falls hard and deep and often




i guess they speak of dreams


not quite in the moment

wishing for more

this feels like something stolen


not allowed, but taken




i try not to look

but she is shy and he is intent

there is something shakespearean about this




the food comes

my focus turns to my own needs

which are not being met

but assuaged

and i wonder if this is what sometimes

must suffice












Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 842 times
Written on 2015-10-05 at 05:24

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
A good writer is observant of events and things that other people just ignore. They then sculpt them into art for other to wonder upon. Very nice :)

Good evening, pony,

Now, I have not been at the Bay for some time, but I believe this is a poem inspired by the oeuvres of Lawrence Beck, specifically his "Kearney?" (I am perceptive, you see. Chortleth.)

I like L.B.'s poem very much and I like yours also. I imagine us all bunched up together eating our enormous sandwiches and downing our vodkas and staring at people. I do not know this "darius ruker" fellow; I shall consult the Google.

The description of the couple is well made and I am taken by the romance of it all. The line 'she is shy and he is intent' reminds me of the early days of many a courtship. I like the ending too, where everything is drawn together.

Your friend,