Flowering of mustard fields marks the beginning of spring. The mustard fields in Indian culture are symbolic of youth, freshness, change, love, procreation and life itself.

Mustard Fields of Kashmir

("If there is paradise anywhere on Earth; it is here, it is here, it is here!" Mughal emperor Jahangir on beauty of Kashmir.
Once a happy valley with its peace-loving and crime-free people, Kashmir is now a victim of political turmoil, with terrorist insurgency.)

Have you seen the Mustard fields
Heralding in the spring?
Lush Yellow for miles together
As far as can be seen
Not a dot of green;
On either sides of the road
Mist rising above them
Morning rays filtering through
Sun rising in the East.
Night slowly lifting its veil,
Like a maiden shyly rising from her bed.
A fragrance of spring fills the lungs
Lifting your spirits...

Have you seen the Mustard fields
Heralding in the spring?
I have seen...

What is this?
Who has disturbed the quite of the morn!
Gunshots are heard loud and rude,
People running around-
Terror stricken, scarcely dressed,
Rudely waken from their warm beds-
Trampling the yellow fields,
Wounded bodies fall....

Stench of crimson fills the nostrils
Chokes my very breath.

What is this?
The Yellow Mustard Fields have become Red!

Have you seen the Yellow Mustard Flowers turn Red?
I have seen...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi
Photo by and Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Kashmir, cradled in the lap of majestic mountains of the Himalayas, is the most beautiful place on earth, where Buddhism reached the zenith of its glory, Hinduism extended its philosophical frontiers into Shaivism and Shaktism, and Islam achieved a new meaning and practice in its tradition of Sufism, is now a victim of political turmoil, with terrorist insurgency spoiling the peace of this paradise on earth. Wee hours of last Monday morning saw another terrorist attack.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 3146 times
Written on 2006-05-04 at 05:31

Tags Terrorism 

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Oh, and, if 5 is a "must read text" - this is one of them.

With the explanation of the symbolism of the mustard fields, I must say; touching. Your descriptions in this poem, promotes the injustice to all beauty.

Good reading.

Hi ... Don't hear or know much about KASHMIRE over here .... guess I don't need to ... YOU explained it SO GOOD ! ... A GOOD READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... G

wow what a woderful wrote poem,brought tears to my eyes,may god walk beside you and the devil kiss your ass,,,you are a star,,hugs Eddy

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellent piece such a contrast of beauty and grief from the heart.

Shas Ramlogan
Line after line, i became enthralled in this emotional poem. The imagery is so beautifully effective in transplanting us to this source of sorrow. I can relate to the heartbreak of the image of the mustard fields turning red, this is an absolutely touching and genuine piece.

I have now seen a lot more than I had before I read this, thru the paintbrushpen of a woman I adore and respect . This text is bookmarked.

Malin Johansson
I got strong images when I read this one... This poem was strong...

Beautiful imagery My Dear, this is a heartfelt, wonderful poem!! Love it!

Sunny yellow turning into blood red... A smile turning into a cry of anguish...
The images you use are very powerful in describing man's violation of nature and each other.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hey there Zoya this powerful peace of writing brings home to us in the relatively peaceful regions of europe what horrors there are in such beautiful places

the love of your country shines through i am praying you and it find peace and salvation soon rgds Mike

Beautifully written, with the horror-turn and all...

Is is said that there are "power points" on the earth, where events happens in a speed-up fashion - no matter if the events are constructive or destructive! ALL activity on those power spots are said to materialize very quickly and easy.
It could be that the Mustered Fields of Kashmir is such a power point!

So eventually I believe it will turn into paradise - once again! :))

Another excellent write Zoya, There are so many beautiful places on earth that have been ruined by mans savagery and lack of forethought, lets hope peace returns soon.

Hamzah Khan
ohhh my God
this is amazing
i mean
i'm wiping away my tears as i write to you.
As i was reading i myself was roaming around in the yellow fields.
and yes
i have heard the gunshots.
i myself have seen the yellow turning red.
my father is a Col in the army.
i now how it is.
i just loved this poem.
thanks for writing it.

Christian Ward
Such a poignant poem

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya you have such a gift for exposing the injustices of humanity in such a powerful and vivid way. All this done, in beautiful poetic verse. : )) kathy

Jon Hanover
Is this the same mustard as in seeds ? It is indeed horrible what passes for civilization on this planet. No one should have to live in war zones. No ideal whether it is political or religious is worth any life lost. Sorry that Kashmir is stained by the crimson of the innocent, and hope it can be the paradise that it was again.