About inspiration, and this cloak of protection. x - 03 May 2006

Time will tell a splinter.

Although inside she thinks of me,

She chooses to scar herself because of it.

And so she ponders

Until that mourn of love

Dawns with the killing horizon again.


But each second seems trampled on.

Each minute seems clustered with a longing prosperity.

Each hour without hearing her breathe –

Sings an addiction,

And screams an endless migraine

Inside my head.

So perhaps time will tell for her –

It's eating me alive.

And I tore her out of my mind

With a fragile intuition to love her.

Poetry by John Ashleigh The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1891 times
Written on 2006-05-03 at 22:59

Tags Love 

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My - someone has found the depth and breadth and length and unfathomable depths of love..... !

Zoya Zaidi
Very powerfulpiece swetheart!
Again you excell!
I love your loosened-up, freer avtar my dear friend!
Love, xxx, Zoya

Amanda Manmohan
I honestly don't think that any comment I write can justify the way this poem made me feel. Your language was extremely different than what we usually see in poetry, and I must admit, I love the change. All I can say is that this was excellent and I really enjoyed reading it. Well done!

Kathy Lockhart
You have again left me pondering the wonders of such a young talented soul; You. This is a bittersweet tale of the sadness of love and pain. Take care my friend, you have far to go and much to write about. : ) kathy