

some things speak for themselves

some need a little explanation, you do 

coming and going as is your wont

not that i mind, i don't, i've learned patience


and i don't judge, but i do get hungry, i have an appetite

the world i sense—bird song, clouds, traffic

disappears when i close my eyes

and you appear, on cue, flawless, flawed, human, corporeal


and i begin, and it is uncomplicated by reality

and it is equally undirected by me

it unfolds before my closed eyes, you, you alone

doing what you do, and how do i know what you do


i wonder about that too, elusive as you are

yet, you are, you exist, i see you every time i close my eyes


Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 825 times
Written on 2016-01-30 at 14:51

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
That's how it works, alright...until something causes it to stop working.

I like that the "need for a little explanation" does not negate the existence of this "you," as "illusion" might suggest, but only requires patience. In fact, you address your "you" quite confidently, and all those "things that speak for themselves" like "bird song, clouds, traffic," disappear with just as much rapidity and fickleness. How interesting that "you" is perceived as such an autonomous, integrated other-- "undirected" and "elusive," rather than an extension of self.

Nancy Sikora
I suppose one's muse might be an illusion. Muses, being fickle creatures, do tend to come and go; and are they really there?

Rob Graber
This is wonderfully creative--fun to do, and to think about the questions it raises about perception and reality.

The dots and lĂ­nes and squares and contrasts in black and white speak for themselves, but the illusion that is formed in the mind, when the eyes close is as intricate and complicated as the human brain itself, yet just as natural. Still writing in vague concepts, but concepts nevertheless, full of beauty and love.

correct me if i am wrong but the illusion is that you see black dots?