Finding Love with some help from a TV show.

Sky Blue and Black

Sky Blue and Black
Jennifer Martin quickly made her way out of the office. She hadn't been to the Tate's house lately. Especially since she was dating Roger. She had met Roger on a blind date and the two had been dating for almost two months, and it seemed the longer she was with Roger the less time she was at the Sheffield's. Things weren't as smoothly as before but Jen wasn't quite sure she wanted out yet.

Of course she was still doing her work, only she did it at her apartment or at Rogers. This was the first time she'd been to the house in weeks, and she only came to discus something with Joseph about the new show. Now that, what she came to talk to Joseph about, was done she decided to go into the kitchen in hopes of finding a certain butler. Aaron , the butler, hadn't been here since she got in, she guessed he went out to the store, but she hoped he was back now.

They hadn't insulted each other, let alone seen each other since the last time Jennifer came by,

Jen pushed the swinging door that lead to the kitchen, walked inside and was a bit disappointed at what she saw. Lucy, Joseph's wife, was sitting at the table drinking something that was in one of those green mugs, while reading yet another one of her gossip magazines.

"Hey Jennifer!" Lucy exclaimed looking up from her magazine "I haven't seen ya here in awhile. Guess thing are going good with Roger huh?"

"You could say that." Jen said not really meaning it, as she walked over to the sink to put her own mug in it.

"Oh come on Jen tell me." Lucy began to whine, "I have no life of my own I like to know about others. Come on it'll be a woman to woman talk."

"Don't you need two women to do that Lucy?" Aaron asked as he made his way into the kitchen while carrying bags of groceries.

Jen just rolled her eyes at the comment and watched Lucy playfully hit Aaron's arm while laughing before helping him with the bags. Jen didn't bother to say anything back which caused the two to look at her questioning.

"Jennifer is something wrong?" Lucy asked as she walked back to the table

"Lucy nothing's wrong."

"Oh come on Jen, ya can't keep everything inside, or else you'll blow up!"
Jennifer looked over at Lucy and gave her a look that told her she didn't believe it.

"It's true, that's how my cousin Jason died, or at least that's wha ma said. Now come on tell me!' Lucy whined again.

"My God Lucy don't you ever shut up!" Jennifer began raising her voice "I don't know how Joseph does it! I'm surprised he hasn't tried to escape by jumping out of the window while you're yapping away!"

Lucy looked at Jen with a shocked expression but it then faded as Lucy began, "Only once and he was just going out to the patio to warm up...but it was in January!" her eyes got big, "Excuse me." she told Jen and then walked past her and out of the kitchen. "Joseph!" she called but before leaving the kitchen she turned to the blonds, "Boy that's something different." she said and then was out the door.

Jen sighed and then sat back down, and soon Aaron took a seat next to her, "So tell me Countess Dracula , what's new?" Jen looked over at him, "Oh great now that Queen Yenta is gone it's time for King Yenta to take over."

"Oh come on, I'm trying to be nice here."

"Fine you really want to know?" Jen asked.

Aaron nodded, "Well to bad, because this is and could be the one thing you will not find out." she said smirking.

"Fine but, who knows it could help you feel better, and perhaps fix your problem." Aaron stated.

Jen sighed, "Alright...but you better not go spreading this around the state as soon as I leave, got it!" "Alright, alright." he said as he put his hands up as if to protect himself. Jennifer just shot him a look.

"Things, aren't going so good with Roger any more." she began.

"So break up with him."

"It's not that simple Aaron!" Jennifer groaned as she placed her head on the table, "Uh! You just wouldn't understand."

"Try me." he told her looking at her while he placed a hand on her left shoulder. Jen slowly lifted her head and looked up at him.

"I can't break up with him because.... well because I'm getting old."

"And what the Ice Queens powers fade once she gets older."


"I'm sorry, but I don't see where this is going."

"Aaron, I'm older age, and I have never been married once, or had any children."

This statement shocked Aaron, and his face showed it. "What!" Jen asked as she looked over at him

"Nothing it's just I never thought you would feel this way."

"Yeah well I guess, you don't know everything about me huh?" Jen asked, "I never really thought I'd feel this way either, but I've never really known what love is. My relationships, don't last more than a season. You know I don't have too many good friendships. And my family isn't really a family."

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked looking at her.

"Boy you know, I never thought I'd be talking like this to you." Jen said smiling

"Neither did I but why ruin the moment?" he asked returning the smile.

"Anyways, my family isn't the Brady Bunch that's for sure. My siblings and myself were raised by the help...I mean the butlers and nannies." she added the butlers and nannies, so she wouldn't offend Aaron, after all they were actually have a civil conversation. "My parents were always off somewhere and never really seemed to be around."

Aaron was shocked, how could parents actually do that to their children, his family was the exact opposite.

"And well I don't know I guess now I want to find someone who can well you know, love me." she explained.

"And I'm guessing Roger isn't the man who can give you that." Aaron stated knowing the answer.

"Right. It seems, like I'm the only one who's giving! He's just taking and taking. He used to give and the beginning but not anymore." she said a bit sadly.

"And you don't want to break up with him because you think he's your last chance for happiness. Am I right?" Aaron questioned.

"Guess you do know me more about me than I thought you did."

"Jennifer, if you know he's not the one, then break up with him. You're just wasting your time, instead of looking for that one person who is...the one."

"Like who?" Jen asked looking at him.

"Like the person who loves you as much as you love them."

Jen sighed, "I guess you're right Aaron."

"Well I know I'm right."

"Gee don't be so modest." Jen stated sarcastically causing Aaron and herself to chuckle, "So how do you know you're so right?"

"Because, I learned from the best school."

"Butler academy?"

"No. TV Land."

"Oh great I've got another Lucy on my hands!" Jen groaned

"No no, but Lucy was in the room when I found this show." Aaron began, "She had wanted me to see some black and white series, and when we finally had the time to see it together, she fell asleep during the commercial break. Anyways I saw the rest of the series then when it was over I had planned on changing it, but I believe Lucy had fallen asleep on the remote."

Jen laughed, that did sound like something Lucy would do.

"So I waited to see what the next show was. It turned out to be an old show from the 70's titled All in the Family. I watched it for awhile and found it funny. It was mostly about an older man's view on the world back then. And this man Archie wasn't one to be such a softy, his wife, Edith, was though."

"Oh?" Jen asked becoming a tad bit interest on how this related to her and Roger.

"Yes, and it seemed, she was always doing everything for him. Brining him beers when he got home, having dinner ready as soon as he got home, she didn't even wear pants because he didn't like her in them."
"Boy what a push over."

"That's what I thought at first, but then I realized why she did all those things for him. It was because she loved him." he explained, "And though he called her names, and commanded her a bit, he did too. He just didn't show it how she did, but Edith knew he loved her and as you watch the show you can tell he does yourself."


"Just by looking at their eyes, when the person they love dearly is in trouble, or sometimes, just when they're with the person they love."

At that moment the two locked eyes, for what seemed like forever both longing to kiss the other. "Um, I've got to do a couple of things for Joe." Jen began breaking the lock, "but I have to come back to tell him how something went, so maybe I'll see you here." Jen said lying, she didn't even have to go do anything for Joseph she just hoped she could be able to see Aaron again. She would probably just drive around thinking for awhile then come back.

"Maybe you will." he said smirking, and then watched her walk out the door.

A few hours later Jen walked into the Tate's house, with a menial envelop in hand. "Hello!" she called as she walked in, "Aaron where's Joseph I need to give him these papers." Jennifer explained. "Oh I'm afraid you just missed him, he took Lucy and the children out to dinner." Aaron informed her. "Oh." she said a bit sadly, "Well then I guess I better just take off." she said in the same tone.

"Oh wait Jennifer, I have something for you." he said causing her to stop in her tracks, and turn around to see him getting something off the table

"Here you are." he said handing her a thing box, although it looked more like book. "All in the Family, season three?" Jennifer read as she looked at the DVD set.

"Yes it's the show I was telling you about. I figured you could take it with you and watch it to see what I was talking about." he explained.

"Aaron, I never thought you would be the kind of person to run out and buy a season of a DVD show when you can easily watch it on TV."

"I'm not, but Lucy is. You should see her room, it's could pass as a blockbuster."

"Oh, so it's Lucy's?"

"No this one is mine. It turns out Lucy is also a fan of the show, and she has season one and two, she bought me season three for my birthday."

"Oh no Aarons, it's a gift. I can't just take it or borrow it...what if I watch it here with you?" Jen suggested.

"What?" Aaron asked not believing what he has heard.

"Why not, everyone's out to dinner and Roger's not expecting me anytime soon."

"Well then looks like I'm stuck with you then." Aaron playfully said, "Why don't you start it, while I go make some popcorn?" Aaron suggested and Jen nodded "You do know how to work the DVD player, don't you. After all it's a CD not a tape."

"Just go make the popcorn Benson."

After a quite a few episodes, and listening to Archie say Meathead or Ding Bat the first disc had finished. Aaron stood up and walked over to the player to put the DVD back in its case while Jen sat on the couch her face showing disbelief. "I can't believe it, that's how Roger and I are...well almost. You're right you can tell Archie loves his ding bat wife." she stated as she watched Aaron. Feeling her eyes upon him he turned around, but she quickly looked down at her watch.

"Oo it's getting late, I think I'd better get going." and then got off the couch and headed towards the door.

"Wait." Aaron started, "Here take this and finish watching it." he told her handing the DVD set.

"Thank you Aaron." she said taking the DVDs, "For everything." she added smiling and then walked out the door.

"Hello Roger." Jen greeted as she walked into her apartment and saw Roger sitting on the couch.

"Where were you?" he asked sounding a bit more upset then concerned.

"I was over at Joes, and I stayed a bit longer talking..."

"I just asked where you were at, not what you did today."

"Yeah, God forbid you do that." Jennifer mumbled to herself.

"Did you say something Jen?"

"Roger, its over." she said sternly. She had thought long and hard about it, while she was driving home, and during the time that she was trying to kill time.

"What?" Roger asked standing up and walking over to her.

"Us. It's just not working out any more, it's over."
"Why...what..." Roger began, but he wasn't sure what to say exactly.

"Roger, just get out."

"No, we just need to talk...."

"There's nothing to talk about." Jen said beginning to get upset, "Just get out."

"Fine." Roger said as he put on his coat, "But I won't be gone for long." he held up his eyes for her to see and then left the apartment slamming the door behind him.

Jen soon realized what he had meant by "I won't be gone for long." "Damn it, he's got the key." she said to herself. But she knew exactly what to do. Jen grabbed her portable phone and sat on the black leather couch and dialed. She only waited a few rings, and during the time her little beagle Chester came and sat next to her, finally there was an answer on the other line.

"Hello? Aaron, do you know how to put in a new lock?"

It didn't take long for Niles to arrive at Jen's apartment, and once he got there, he began working on the lock. Aaron was still working on the lock while Jen sat on the arm of the couch, watching him.

"Alright, Jennifer, that should, do it, until you get the whole new lock changed." Aaron explained to her. He had just put one of those chain locks like the ones that surrounded Lucy's mothers' front door.

"Thanks Aaron."

"Hey it wasn't just me, be glad we live in the city that never sleeps." he stated as he began putting the tools, he had just used, away. "So, you broke up with Roger huh?'

"Yeah, I realized he just wasn't the one for me. I just hope the one for me isn't too far away."

'Believe me he's not' He wanted to tell her but couldn't, "You'll just have to give him some time to find you."

She smiled at him, "Say, Aaron do you really have to leave so soon? I mean maybe you can stay a bit longer have some whine see if All in the Family is on." she offered.

"Sure." he said smiling and followed her into the kitchen to help her.

Seconds later Jen walked over to the living room area with bottle of wine in her hands. She sat down and placed the wine next to the glasses, she had asked Aaron to get, and turned on the TV switching to TV Land as Aaron poured the wine. Soon they were welcomed by Archie and Edith Bunker sitting in front of their piano sinning about the good old days. Aaron handed her, her glass and the two relaxed as the watched the opening credits.

"This woman's singing voice reminds me of Lucy's." Jen stated before taking a sip of her wine. Lucy's singing voice wasn't exactly Whitney Houston.

Aaron chuckled, "I guess you've been in the room when she's listening to her Barbara Streisand collection."

Jen laughed as she watched Aaron, but then turned her attention to the TV.

Minutes later the show was showing their commercial break that appeared right before the closing credits, and the two blonds sat on the sofa both misty eyed. They'd just seen the last episode and the last scene which had a very touching Archie and Edith moment.
"Wow he really, really did love her."

"I told you."

"Now I really can't wait to find my Archie." she said jokingly, "Well not exactly like him you know...." she began to drift of as she locked eyes with Aaron.

And this time it resulted in a different way. Aaron slowly moved closer to her until they were less then an inch apart and then slowly but passionately kissed her. Jen was surprised at first but then began to kiss him back and the two were lost in the moment. It wasn't until Aaron slowly began to push her down on to the couch that Jen pulled away. "Aaron..." she began but Niles interrupted.

"No, this isn't some kind of trick to me. I love you. I've loved you ever I laid eyes on you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I really do love you. I love every little thing about you. I would do nothing to hurt you, so please believe me when I say this is no joke to me." Aaron said looking deep into her eyes.

"Aaron," Jen began smiling, "I was just going to tell you, that you'd better call Joe and Lucy and tell them you won't be there tomorrow. But I love you too." she told him looking into his eyes as well, "More then you'll ever know. And Aaron I want to thank you for helping me realize Roger wasn't the one for me, for coming to out this lock, hell for showing me this sitcom, but mostly for being here for me." she smiled up at him, "You know Aaron, I've loved you for a long time too. Can you imagine how much time we've lost because of how we were worried how each other would react?"

Aaron chuckled, "Then what do you say we make up for lost time?" he suggested as he leaned into her neck. After placing a few kisses along her neck he looked back at her.

"I love you Jennifer."

"I love you Aaron."

Soon they were kissing again, even more passionately, completely forgetting about Archie and Edith sitting in their bed and the screen then fading. They didn't even stop as the sound of audience from All in the Family, clapping away. All they cared about was each other and making up for lost time.

The End

Short story by PrincessPebbles
Read 1584 times
Written on 2006-11-06 at 01:33

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This was excellent. Talent like this should be exposed in a very bright light. Good Job!! : ) : )

~Aaron Rowe

Kathy Lockhart
this is just so clever and so well done. You are very talented. I am so glad to have met you and am looking forward to reading more of you. You are now my writing friend as well. Welcome Dear One to this Bay of Poets. : ) kathy