Sometimes I try. . .

Sometimes I try, very hard not to cry
Sometimes I let it go, and let the tears overflow

You think that you know me
You think that you care

But everytime you walk away
You leave me in despair

I try not to yell
I try not to scream

But all of these tears
have become bottled up in me

Overflowing my body
Screaming to get out
Wrapping me in pain
That I just can't let go

Hoping for hope
Wishing for rain
so I can stand outside
and drown all the pain

Sometimes I go swimming to have a good cry
the ocean washing away
what i decided to cry

the time that you hit me
the time that you yelled
the time you said you hated me
and thought i was hell

the words strangling my body
trying to find a way in
my hands pushing against them
losing again

Sometimes I try to forget all the pain
Sometimes I cry just to let it seep in. . .

Poetry by Estelle
Read 756 times
Written on 2007-02-14 at 08:39

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holy crapppp mannn
marysia you're uh...
super wickedly talented, madame