

small spaces between
-- things

an often overlooked
-- vein of gold

matrix of

cooked down -- solidified --
as earth cooled

in her throes
of birth

coalesced from remnants
of exploded stars

so many billions of
years ago

they don't warrant


spaces betwixt thoughts
so fleeting and small

they are forever gone --
disappeared -- not to return

but in different guise
and venue

unrecognizable vestiges
previously spotted once before

unnoticed by

memories: botched
blotted, and maimed

by living
-- life's fabric torn away

now in shards
and even spaces between them

are small

we come to
cracks in holes of time

we -- voyeurs peeking
as if through keyholes

gazing in on private moments
having nothing to do with


-- we gawk just the

holes of time close
opening to new ones

gone in splintered seconds
gone and gone again

memories of youth
-- summer days that would not end

later days we wish had
never come to pass


small spaces between

comely weddings
and wedding guests

blown away by war's

and lies told by those who

buying short
selling long

for profit
is key

not happiness --
and children of those joining's

are now cannon fodder
for the rich

and the space between things
is larger – but hidden behind –

between lies


evanescent space
separating beliefs religious

there is boiling oil between
bubbling, hissing, splattering the cracks

defrauding believer's souls
dogmatically -- twice, thrice

-- darkness falls
light is quenched

night everlasting

while blind lead

incense's fragrance

is fouled

rising to heaven
as stench

creator unvexed
laughs with glee

at chaos'
-- perfection

enthralled with mockery
of creation

players play their parts
but there is no exit from

this stage
-- it is a small space between

deceit and

the distance of
one choice.


Poetry by Victor
Read 679 times
Written on 2015-05-18 at 00:33

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Extremely well written. I think that I have fallen into one of these spaces. And here I wait. The line "buying short selling long" was quite powerful but so short. I enjoyed reading this even though the sentiment is quite sad.

Brilliant how you interpret the many uses of an obscure word that you have made very clear. I like the way you build up your poems in intensity. Well done.