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Archive - December - 2006
Back on Point (4) - 2006-12-01
Love's Pain (5) - 2006-12-04
The Difference Is ........... (3) - 2006-12-04
A Hero's nothing but a Sandwich (1) - 2006-12-06
The Hidden Package (resubmitted for fun) - 2006-12-06
Steers Or Queers (Texas Power) - 2006-12-06
Trainer Extraordinare (enuff is not quite enuff) - 2006-12-06
In the Heart of this Dad (In his Eyes) (2) - 2006-12-07
Growing up (1) - 2006-12-08
Is this THE END? (2) - 2006-12-11
This Christmas (4) - 2006-12-12
Personal Challenges (2) - 2006-12-15
3 months in the making (1) - 2006-12-19
NO NO GIFTS (4) - 2006-12-20
Life is Like Weightraining (2) - 2006-12-28