Let Us Talk About the Soul
2007-09-05 I always thought that there is one heaven, you know what did i come up with after all these years ( well im only 21 hehe), god made a small heaven in earth but not in one place in many places. The sea for example is a part of heaven, i could stand infront of the sea at dawn or sunset every single day, talking and arguing and solving our problems together. I talk to birds too they chant for me when ever i am down or feeling so low. Skies are like witnesses for what is happening they is a record up there recording every sinle foot pace we make. Well as for where are from i think we are from mother earth, born and raised by joyous souls and creative minds and loving hearts. I think a soul is the control system in our self. It works with our heart and mind in harmony it works with our self concoius and our self understanding. The soul is like a baby it needs only good food to grow, beauty, love, care and many other ingredients for the souls recipe. I took the recipe from my grandfather which he took from his. You know i always see that my soul can always take knowledge love and care and it is never enough, like a spongue my soul is always hungry for passion of words, food and nature.
Anyways i liked the your poem very much...
The Same Sun Shines on You and Me
2007-09-05 Dear Zoya,
This is a really good written poem, i like how used the natural ingredients of our world sun, air, wind and rain to connect between us and this world. We are humans which means at the firs place nature is a part of us as we are a part of it.
Religion: Well as far as i know all the religions from where it started, from where it is originated, it all calls for peace. The war is a human instinct, struggling for the the strength and power, fighting for land, killing and slaughthering for gold,oil and money.
Greedy we have become and more of it just dumb...
There mustnt be one peace day, cause the world IS SUPPOSED to be in peace every single day, they must make a war day to stop every single gun in this world.
So at the end no religion no skin colored poeple push the war, the war and terrorism and conflicts are based on the bad side of our human nature. I totally agree when you say life is beautiful and short so live it...
I hope we see more of your writings here in the bay, about the peace of this world....
May Allah bring you peace of mind, heart and soul Zoya forever Amen...