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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
10 Simple Rules (1) - 2006-10-11
My position (2) - 2006-10-11
Muslims (2) - 2006-10-11
I miss you when you're gone (3) - 2006-10-11
Hold on (2) - 2006-10-11
The 10 Update pt. 2 (2) - 2006-10-09
You know my name (2) - 2006-10-09
Bird (4) - 2006-10-08
Infidelity (4) - 2006-10-07
Mother and Father (4) - 2006-10-06
Commandment Challenge Update (2) - 2006-10-06
Everything I said (3) - 2006-10-04
Is it like today? (2) - 2006-10-04
O.M.G. (4) - 2006-10-03
The ten commandments challenge (6) - 2006-10-03
Liabilty or Full Coverage (3) - 2006-10-02
A vision I had (3) - 2006-10-02
My turn!!! (3) - 2006-10-02
I got no flowers for your gun (5) - 2006-10-02
Training and lack of (4) - 2006-10-02
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