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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
Standard (1) - 2006-10-02
Theft (4) - 2006-10-02
"How are you doing" Update part 2 (1) - 2006-10-02
Distance, a duet by Saga and Blue-eyed Soul (4) - 2006-09-29
Tonight, Sidney!!! (6) - 2006-09-28
Some things are better left unsaid (6) - 2006-09-28
You're mine, always (7) - 2006-09-28
The upside down frown (5) - 2006-09-27
"How are you doing" Update (4) - 2006-09-27
"Super" (4) - 2006-09-26
The constantly accused (5) - 2006-09-26
Taste (4) - 2006-09-26
"How are you doing?" challenge (4) - 2006-09-25
Life is life (3) - 2006-09-25
I'll try not to breathe (6) - 2006-09-25
Climbing the wall (7) - 2006-09-24
Tomorrow (6) - 2006-09-24
Gentle Bubbles, a duet by Saga and Blue-eyed Soul (5) - 2006-09-23
An emotional massage (7) - 2006-09-23
Inches (4) - 2006-09-22
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