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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
Over the fences (5) - 2006-08-24
Too far (3) - 2006-08-23
A moment of weakness (6) - 2006-08-22
Moves (3) - 2006-08-21
The rain in her eyes (3) - 2006-08-21
Were you close? (6) - 2006-08-20
Forcing it (3) - 2006-08-19
We were brothers and sisters, then (1) - 2006-08-18
Sounds (3) - 2006-08-18
I couldn't stay away (2) - 2006-08-18
The coldness of neighbors (2) - 2006-08-18
Serve and compare (2) - 2006-08-17
21st century is going to sleep (3) - 2006-08-16
Called (4) - 2006-08-15
Troubles of the world (3) - 2006-08-14
The grinder (4) - 2006-08-14
Brittle (1) - 2006-08-13
A International Issue (3) - 2006-08-13
You didn't even noticed (4) - 2006-08-13
Who told you to stop laughing? (2) - 2006-08-12
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