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I am the __
Acrostically disturbed
y ahora yo busco esa memoría
y la miró y pienso que era falsa
y detrás de la despedida trivial
estaba la infinita separación
Emelén |
Flowers in December (20) - 2006-11-17
A season named Cecilia (15) - 2006-09-01
__________ (3) - 2006-07-28
MY TEXTS, Archive 45 Texts
~ (4) - 2006-10-31
and you were a twinflower when (9) - 2006-10-27
Contribution to Ylvas different love poem challenge (9) - 2006-10-19
Istishhadiyah (11) - 2006-10-19
In its mouth I lay me broken white (10) - 2006-10-12
Nothing else matters (12) - 2006-10-08
Just an ordinary morning (9) - 2006-09-15
Tanglewood (5) - 2006-09-13
Veritas in mixed tweed (5) - 2006-09-09
Good Girl In Me (7) - 2006-09-06
A season named Cecilia (15) - 2006-09-01
response to the Challenge by Coolaaron (12) - 2006-08-31
a Poetbay Folk Blues Challenge by M.A.Meddings entry (8) - 2006-08-29
Nebraska Blues .I. (4) - 2006-08-28
I woke up with you thinking of you and died a thousand times in each second of the days I am not with you (9) - 2006-08-23
As all the fishermen left in dark morning (2) - 2006-08-22
Soon I know you will (6) - 2006-08-19
Erasing backwards (3) - 2006-08-18
Never is a promise (7) - 2006-08-10
Leaving (1) - 2006-08-09
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"A closed mind lets nothing in... or, for that matter, nothing out."Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/littlebluewingpoetry